Thanksgiving Day! Oh the day we celebrate by giving thanks for all that we have and counting our blessings with turkey, giblet gravy, bacon ladened green beans, sausage stuffing, butter cream cheese mashed potatoes, and honey citrus zested cranberry sauce. Blah, blah, blah. Does that sound good to you? For most people, it is pure heaven on a plate.

For a vegan, thanksgiving can be a time that just seems better to stay in bed and sleep the day away. however with the right kind of planning, all can be heaven on a vegan plate.

I chose to get a Field Roast Celebration Roast. I made a plan for multiple side dishes. However, once I got in the kitchen and began preparing food, I realized that what I had was enough. Along with the roast, I prepared a simple dressing (stuffing depending on where you are from), mashed potatoes, garlic sauteed kale, steamed haricot verts and carrots with herbs, cranberry sauce made from sweetened dried cranberries, and homemade dinner rolls, all soft and lite.

So what was I thankful for? My grateful list is, yes I said list, is short. The biggest thing I am most grateful for is being with family.



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